Look what the mail brought me recently....
.....a note from the wanderer.
But, I'd already had a phone call. She's home. Refreshed and renewed. Full of alpine air, and edelweiss, and inspiration---n'est pas Rise? Look for spectacular photos and astute observations---Lord no! Not here---over there, oh-verr theere!
The phone call was also to inform me that she had received a package......
Which means I can finally show all you quilting maniacs that, once again---is that at least three times this year? Could it be habit forming?---I've actually finished something!
"Folks in a town that was quite remote heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
Lusty and clear from the quilter's throat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo!"
I am waaaay better at starting stuff than at finishing it, so when I do actually finish something, it's cause for singing [see above] and dancing in the streets!
This pattern is based loosely on a pattern called "Quilting With Laura", the Laura in question being Laura Ingalls Wilder. I added the prairie points, since where do prairie points belong if not on a quilt inspired by Little House On The Prairie? As soon as the piecing was finished I folded it up and off it went to the closet, to join all the other disgruntled, half done quilts. But this was its lucky year. I knew Rise liked it. It seemed too easy----most of the work was already done! Add a little quilting, and presto---instant present!
Only trouble is, now the natives are restless [the other UFO's are threatening to riot, and burst out of the closet.] They want me to commit to at least an approximate date by which they might reasonably expect to see the light of day. Jealousy I call it. Geez, just because I finish one of them. You'd think they could just be happy for him. Instead we have all this unrest.....
But, you can't keep a good woman down----not even rioting UFOs. They just have to have faith. And patience.
Meanwhile, Rise is back!
"O ho laydee odl lee-o,o ho laydee odl lay,
O ho laydee odl lee-o, laydee odl lee-o-lay."
* With apologies to Mssrs. Rodgers and Hammerstein.