Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

    Maybe, I thought, as I sat on my gardening stool, clipping the mint plant by the front porch, I should rename my blog. There's not been much in the way of chronicling anything here in recent years. "Occasional Random Ravings," maybe? Or "Very Occasional Random Ravings"? "Books, Quilts and Random Ravings"? Because these are the things that clutter my mind, especially the random ravings.

 Intoxicated by the scent of cut mint, I thought what a good omen it was that the first day of the year should be so inviting that, after a chilly and wintery week since Christmas, whatever needed doing inside was abandoned as we headed out into the warmth and the sunshine. 

  It was so beautiful, sitting out there, the air balmy, the sky blue, the only twitterers I love twittering away in the trees and the OC being neighborly, trimming crepe myrtles for the neighbor across the street. That's him - the grey blur among those bushes.

I've always loved that week between Christmas and New Year. Frosty outside. Frosty, snow-flakey etchings on the windows. Curled up by the fire with books I'd gotten as gifts or, if it was getting dark, just watching fantastical shapes thrown by the flames onto the dining room wallpaper. Walking outside, you'd better be bundled up with scarves and mittens, crunching along the icy paths. It's the feeling of it all I miss, certainly not the temperature.

The new year fills me with optimism. Maybe this'll be the year I'll kick all those half-made quilts to the curb; or get back to writing regularly; or unravel that bainin sweater I started eons ago and abandoned when my mistakes made it a joke that nobody would ever wear; or maybe even dig those boxes of pre-digital photos out of the darkest regions of my sewing room closet and make the books for my children that, so far, I've only fantasized about. 

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Meanwhile, I had downed tools on the porch and swapped them out for pen and paper. Want to write? As the OC is fond of saying "There's nothing like the doin' to get things done!" It's no longer safe to leave things 'til tomorrow when we know that our tomorrows are numbered.

Yup. A new year is a sure sign that time's a-passin'. The balmy weather of New Year's day certainly passed and now we're back to huddling inside!

Maybe my enthusiasm will hold this time, and you'll find, if not exactly chronicles, at least a few, occasional, random mutterings.