Sunday, October 26, 2008


I'm rarely stuck for words.

To the untrained eye, I look like a quiet person, but that's only because I don't have my brain on speaker phone. The babble in there is constant, and random. Sometimes I daydream about having an orderly sequence of thoughts, all on the same subject, each thought another brick in the house of an idea. It would be nice to think something through, from start to finish, without a million other, unrelated thought fragments clamoring for a piece of the action.

Think of a class of eager children, all of whom have something urgent to say---a sea of hands, frantically waving----Pick me teacher, pick me! Oh please! My idea is the best! Just wait 'til you hear it! And then they pout when you want them to line up in orderly fashion; take a number; please don't jump the queue! You'll all have your day in court! But some days nobody does. Too much white noise......

Which is why writing, in any form, at the moment blogging form, is a compulsion. If I can snatch one fragment I like from the melee, and write it down, then wait a while 'til another related fragment drifts by, and snatch that too, eventually I'll have enough on my subject to write something at least semi-coherent.....


This was the preamble [the babbling before the brainwave!] to a draft I've been fiddling with. It wasn't going anywhere. Then I read Rhubarb's recent whine and thought---I can just put it out there. I'm not looking for a Pulitzer. Just wondering how it works for others---from sitting down to a blank screen, with a matching blank brain, to hitting "publish".............

By the way, is Nablopomo happening again this year? And if so, where do I sign up? Just so I can babble some more....


Tanya Brown said...

It sounds as though you have a rich internal life. I always enjoy reading your posts. If you do tend to amble around then sneak up on ideas and bonk them on the head, it isn't something I've noticed.

Please do sign up for NaBloPoMo. It's selfish of me, since you do have an actual life away from the computer and all, but I've missed your writing more frequently.

Anonymous said...

There's a strong line from Ireland to Australia there, megurl. Via Florida of course. I love your posts.

Jess said...

yes, yes, yes!!

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

When I hit that point I always shrug and do a meme until something brilliant comes to me at 2 in the morning, and I publish that later.

It's never quite as good as it was in the middle of the night though, when it finally gets published.

So; here are two ideas for you.

1. Turn your monitor off and ghost type. Start with one word; the loudest one in your head, and just start typing. When you finally stop (it'll be several minutes into it), turn your monitor on. It's hard to do at first but it's a great exercise.

2. Get out a blank piece of paper and a good sharp pencil and write each of the words/thoughts as they pop up, write fast, no details, just words, and then when you're done, go back and get into details; see where your mind took you.
This is sometimes called Mind Mapping and it is a really fun and interesting thing to do. Kind of 'get to know your brain'. Google Mind Mapping and see what you find, it will give you good ideas.

Scarlett & Viaggiatore

riseoutofme said...

You mean, you actually get to sit down????

Let it flow Molly, let it flow ....