Monday, August 03, 2009

Scribbling My Life Away

Writing . . .
Originally uploaded by korestore
Three years ago today was the date of my first blog post. Is it possible? How could three years have flown by so quickly? There were no comments on that first post and I told myself I was OK with that. I'm good at lying to myself when the need arises.

If I write a blog post and nobody reads it, have I satisfied the urge that made me write it in the first place? I would have to say that yes, I have had the satisfaction of organizing my thoughts, which, unwritten, are usually a chaotic jumble. I have had the satisfaction of arranging words in a manner that pleases me and says, as best I can, what I want to say, which, admittedly is often something that is of very little consequence to anyone but myself.

As time went on and I wrote a few more, a couple of people started to comment and I had to admit I had lied to myself. Just organizing and writing down my thoughts gave me a certain level of satisfaction. But when another human being read what I wrote and felt moved to make a comment,I was over the moon!

When the OC was a small boy he used to tell his mother that when he grew up he would buy her a farm in Australia and bring supplies by helicopter every few months ~ Australia's a big country and I guess he planned on this farm being way out in the bush. Then, when we lived in Montana, he thought that some day he'd like to come back and live out in the middle of the prairie. Since I do not share his hermit-like tendencies that idea made me shudder. Not because I didn't like Montana. I did. I just knew I wouldn't like being isolated from other human beings. I like people. I like being around them. I like talking to them. I'm interested in where people are from and what they think about and what makes their world go around. The OC's job, however, meant that every three or four years we'd move to a new place. We'd have to leave a familiar place and familiar friends and go somewhere totally new and establish a life for ourselves there. Which was in some ways exciting, but in others extremely tiresome.

Worst of all was leaving friends. You'd have acquaintances everywhere, but making friends was not so simple, so that when you did you were loathe to leave them. You'd write for a few years, then it would dwindle to a card at Christmas, and eventually just peter out. There was usually one person at each place, though, who was such a kindred spirit that the friendship survived, in spite of miles, and sometimes continents between us, and those are the friends I treasure still.

Then three years ago I discovered blogging, a whole community of people who like to write, with whom I can connect whenever I feel like putting something out there, or commenting on something they've written. I've "met" so many interesting people, with whom I never would have connected without blogging. I love the interaction and I love the glimpses into other lives, often in other countries, and most of all I love the realization that we are all more alike than different.

So, thank you to all my bloggy friends for your interest, your encouraging comments, your patience when drivel flows from my pen, and not least for the pleasure of reading some of the clever, intelligent and often downright hilarious things you all write!

Here's to the next three!


Birdydownunder said...

Happy 3rd blogaversary Molly. I hope I am counted amongst your many blogging friends. I love reading yours, you have such a lovely way with words, so knowledgeable, cyber love and hugs

ps I am so chuffed at being the first to comment.

Anonymous said...

I have often pondered my motivation for blogging. Without a doubt the visitors who call by and leave a comment are the reason I continue. Seeing a small slice of the lives of others around the world and realising so overwhelmingly that family and community are of primary importance to all of us is an ongoing delight.

jkhenson said...

Happy Blog/Birthday! :) I love to read your wonderful work! After your comment about a cuppa and my bread, I thought, "I would love to visit with her in person!" I enjoy reading your blog, and others, as well as writing my own (and having people read it! :))

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Happy 3rd Blog anniversary. Have always enjoyed reading your scribblings. Thanks for taking us along on your journey.

Pam said...

Happy bloggiversary from me too. Your blog is one of my very favourites. You write so well and interestingly and funnily.

I love blogging too - but it's oh so timeconsuming. Fun though! I love the contact with others of like-mind or sometimes quite unlike-mind.

How do you cope with your offspring being so scattered? (I know; no choice. But it shouldn't be allowed!)

Jess said...

Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you're here!

Thimbleanna said...

Happy, Happy Three Years Miss Molly! Just think how much easier all those moves would have been if only you'd had blogging back then -- you could take all your friends with you everytime there was a new location. (Although, it may have made you more reluctant to make real-world friends.) I love your blog and look forward to when we'll meet -- whether at Isabel's (Isabel, are you listening? ;-)) or closer to your daughter's house!

Ali Honey said...

HI Molly! Many Happy Returns!
I'm very glad you blog and that we are blogging friends.

Just becaues folk don't leave comments doesn't mean they haven't read. I am now continually meeting face to face friends and aquaintances who have read "Things," on my blog( so I'm quite careful now ).
One just the other day said, " Oh I was so pleased when you put a photo of MY quilt on your blog as one of the ones you liked."

Stomper Girl said...

Happy anniversary Molly, we must have started almost at the same time! I like the way blogging answers 2 needs, the need to write and the need to connect with others. No wonder we love it. And I am so happy to have "met" you and your family.

Zhoen said...

I'm glad you ventured to new blogs, because I'm also glad I followed you back.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Sometimes I believe our thoughts are like drops of water falling into a lake, almost anonymous. When the lake fills up it spills over in a waterfall - those are the words coming out and flowing onto paper or, in this case, into cyberspace. We can't hold them in so we have to write whether or not anyone reads,but it is every so much better when we know someone is listening. blessings, marlene

silfert said...

Congratulations! Now for a story on whether it's an anniversary or a birthday for your blog...

*pulls up cushion, folds hands in lap*

Pam said...

Oh, and yes, do read Loth at The Gym isn't Working. She's one of the funniest.

Pauline said...

So delighted you like to share - it's always a pleasure to read here. I find writing for an audience a challenge and a delight. Even when the comments aren't forthcoming, I'm hoping someone out there is reading...

Pam said...

I'm stalking you, Molly...

Oh, what a lovely offer - to be my honorary sister! I shall take you up on it immediately and will make sure to send you that video of me galumphing towards the bus, pyjamas sliding down my childbearing hips and frame clutched to my side.

(Sorry, commenters who haven't a clue what I'm talking about. Molly knows. She's my honorary sister. She's the tall, slim one and I'm the short, plump one. Alas.)

Kacey said...

I'm so happy that you decided to blog. Your posts are always a treat and you are able to articulate the longings of your heart. I started out to write some things for my children when I am no longer here, but when they discovered my place.... it killed the muse, for fear they would not like what I had to say. So, I read your writings and enjoy your bonhomie thoughts vicariously.

Meggie said...

I enjoy all your posts, & have never read one I didn't like!!

I felt so shy when I first began, I blushed when I got a comment! I still get such a buzz out of connecting to people, & such a thrill out of reading other blogs.
It has provided a wonderful opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, from all over the world. As you say, we are all so much alike in so many ways.

persiflage said...

Congratulations on your three years. I really enjoy reading your blog, which always gives a different and thought-provoking perspective, opening up different worlds and attitudes. Your comments about friendship and having to move on and make new ones touch me greatly.

Warty Mammal said...

Here's a belated "happy bloggiversary!"

I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog and have frequently been illuminated/inspired by it.