I'm not sure where I saw it first [on someone else's blog, undoubtedly] but in January of 2009 I fell in love. The object of my mooning was a series of free blocks by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. She planned to dole out the patterns for the blocks, one at a time, at the beginning of each month throughout the year.
So do-able! So adorable. So sign-me-upable!
What harm could it do---one wee block per month? Speaking of blocks, I managed to block out the fact that, behind the closed door of the guest room closet, which itself was behind the closed door of the guest room, was a groaning shelf, laden with an [ahem!] unspecified number of unfinished quilt projects. What can I say? New projects hath charms....]
It was painless. The most fun was seeing the next block at the beginning of each month....Or maybe it was picking out the fabrics once I knew what the block was.....Or maybe it was the actual stitching.....To be fair, I think it was every step of the process! I bought several yards of a lovely cream fabric for the background...and nothing else. I had such fun [and made such a mess] every month, rooting through my stash for just the perfect scrap for each part of that month's design. I think Anne must have to pinch herself every day. Imagine making a living doing what you love to do----in this case playing with fabric! When I was a child, nowhere on the horizon did I see the possibility of making a career out of such fun. Which just goes to show that my imagination wasn't firing on all cylinders at the time. Of course I did love art in school, but art was associated with Beatniks and Teddy Boys and in no way to be encouraged!
But better in one's dotage than never. I finished January's block in record time. And February's.....March's.....April's...... Then there was the added incentive of posting one's finished block each month on Flickr [see sidebar], taking a bow, and handing out kudos to one's fellow stitchers as they posted theirs!
Every month I managed to keep up with the program, and every month I was loving it more. Christmas loomed and I fell a bit behind. New year came and I fell more behind. But this week I finally put all the blocks together.[Takes a deep bow...]
I had long ago decided I didn't want to do the simple sashing shown on the web site. The idea of an Irish chain setting appealed to me, so I made alternate blocks with the background fabric and a variety of yellows from my stash that would compliment, but not steal the limelight from, the applique blocks.
The last thing to do was to put on the borders. All along I'd thought that green would be good for a narrow border, separating the blocks from the outer floral border. But when I went to the quilt shop to buy the green, had it in my hand and was heading to the cutting counter, I spied a beautiful red, all dappled with sunshine and calling my name! So much for the best laid plans.
The borders are on and the corners are mitered. The first three came out perfectly, but wouldn't you know it [I got smug? or careless?] the fourth corner did not. But I have learned it is futile to fume. Far better to unpick an inch or so, tweak a little, and restitch by hand, coaxing things into the way you want them to go.
It's close enough to perfect now.
I need a break before I tackle hand quilting it. And let's face it, after all that applique, I think it needs to be hand quilted. Sigh. Which means I might be able to hang the finished product in my sewing room five years from now.
Besides, there are ladybugs in that closet clamoring to get out......
Pipe down in there ladybugs! I'm coming to get you!
Note: And thank you Anne Sutton....I had so much fun with this!
How perfectly lovely. This post has made me smile hugely. (Although I note you spell in American, I suppose you have to....) Quilters are so clever, with hands and eyes. I cannot even sew a straight line, alas.
It was well worth the wait for such a beautiful result.
Oh Molly! It's beautiful! I love the setting. And the colors. And the story behind it. Great work!!!
(And I especially love that I beat Brigette!!! ;-) )
you're a marvel and so is the quilt - I wish I had the patience and stick-to-it-iv-ness to quilt!
Well done on Tisket a Tasket! I love your daisy chain blocks!!! Are you game for the new one, *Snowbound*???
Shall I tell Mr. Bunny Hill (Anne's husband) that you have a crush on him? He's quite nice, you know.
I love it! Nice work! :))
Molly, this is so lovely! Wonderful story too! While I managed to keep up with the blocks, I still have not quilted my treasure. Like you, I feel it deserves to be hand quilted, so it has found its little spot in the corner as it patiently waits for some hand stitching :-)
lovely quilt. well done on finishing.
I thought of you tonight.... there was a documentary on Ireland. All along the coastline, and the main cities. Beautiful country.
Nicely done! I have never quilted by machine and haven't quilted at all in years, but when I do, I h=find hand quilting to be a meditative experience.
I really adore the way you have set your blocks! Good for you. I am too ashamed to tell you my progress...
Wow! This is simply beautiful, like all your quilts. And I love the red in your border - it's the most perfect red of all time. You are an artist of the first order, Molly, and with a bit of application, might even become a Teddy Girl at some point. Better late than never.
Hi Molly,
Your quilt is just beautiful! You did such a beautiful layout. Thank you for making me look good and for dedicating an entire post to it!
So lovely! El Pussy Gato would like it for his bed, please.
I love it , the red is perfect.
The rooting round one's stash and seeing each block come to life is the best bit , isn't it . I'm deeply impressed that you forged on and finished it , too !
P.S. the word verification was CRONE ..... I didn't realise Blogger could see me .... how spooky !
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