Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Foolishness

What do you think? C or D cups?


Ali Honey said...

Either way there won't be mushroom inside!

Birdydownunder said...

wot can I say. Glad you are safe from the storm.

Tanya Brown said...

Definitely D. Just don't let any drunken frat boys see the mushrooms, or there's no telling what mischief they'll get up to.

So glad to see that you're back (I presume) and safe!

Anonymous said...

Are they silicone?

StitchinByTheLake said...

Molly after my recent adventure into the land of bra fitting I'd say they're double D! blessings, marlene

Kacey said...

Your camera finds the darndest things! It must be the eye behind the lens that sees what the rest of us would step upon by mistake. Molly, I have an adorable quilt pattern for Florida living. I'll post a picture when I get finished and send you the directions if you are interested. It's a fun one.

raining sheep said...

Tee hee...Certainly not in my world...only in my dreams...p.s. did a little link from my blog to yours...the chocolate cake thing is just obviously been in my brain.

meggie said...

One C, One D- Just like me!

Anonymous said...

Ah, ali honey read my mind.

Great shot!

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

I have mushroom envy. Love your camera. Love the eyes behind the camera!

riseoutofme said...

A self-portrait no doubt?

Pauline said...

hahaha... it never would have occurred to me to ask that question. Your sense of humor tickles my funny bone :)

Anonymous said...

What a riot! You have a wonderful imagination and sense of humor! What a great find. Thanks for sharing!
~Emily in Norway

fifi said...

oh my goodness! fungal bosoms!

Unknown said...

looks like one of each to me.

Eastcoastdweller said...

How utterly bizzare. I took a photo in my garden the other day of exactly a double mushroom combo like that! Uncanny. You beat me to posting it, and Your entry was more fun, anyway.

And no one will believe me, I am sure, but the mammary connection never came to my mind until now.

Thimbleanna said...

Holy Cow! I'm here in your August archives looking for your choccy cake to link to and what's staring back at me???? How on earth did I miss this post? You're a classic Molly Bawn. That's hysterical!!!