There are, it seems, some Doubting Thomases out there, who require proof that I actually got my Christmas tree decorated! Oh ye of little faith! Does it matter that I didn't personally hang each ornament?
After all, it was I who drove out into the madness a few days before Christmas and found a tree. No small feat when you consider how many people in these parts put their tree up the day after Thanksgiving!
It was I who feebly bargained with the tree seller. To no avail, I might add. He knew he had a pigeon. He recognized the desperate gleam in the eye.
It was I who climbed up on my sewing table, at considerable risk to life and arthritic limb, and stretched upwards to precariously haul down the various boxes of Christmas goodies.
It was I, also, who sat and untangled the ninety nine strings of lights of various vintages and, mindful of the proximity of Herald Angels and Santa's behaviour spies, managed not to give voice to the vehement imprecations that sprang to my lips.
It was I who circled the tree and wove the strands of lights [those from the ninety nine that still worked] in and out and around the aromatic branches, almost dying by strangulation on a few occasions. And it was I who stood back in admiration and declared it the nicest tree we'd found in years!
It was the Bean and girlfriend who did the actual decorating while we were off to the hospital. And a lovely job they did of it. Mother-in-law came home late on Christmas Day and is doing fairly so far, but very weak still. One day at a time.
Meanwhile, it is I who will be keeping that tree up and watered until January sixth, though all around me have theirs to the curb by Monday morning! I love the soft glow from the little tree lights; the glisten of the baubles; the memories of five shiny eyed children every Christmas morning for so many years; the fresh piney scent; the after-Christmas peace.
The tree is decorated.
Footnote: In case anyone should dare to try to take the tree down in my absence before the appointed time, Casper has volunteered his services as tree guardian.
Would you like to see his claws?
what a beautiful did a better job than me!
my cat usually volunteers to break the decorations.
wonderful happy wishes to you. I am so pleased you were not abducted by aliens, as i was beginning to suspect.
happy new year.
Molly, it is breathtakingly beautiful! Mine is staying up for a while too and although I love it very much it is not a patch on yours. I love the smell too.
A very beautiful tree! Love Casper there, guarding it for you.
Hope MIL improves every day.
Good Fortune & Good Health to you & yours for 2009 Molly!
your tree looks adorable, I love it. I so miss a fresh tree, whichis impossible to attain where I now resdie, as it's tropical. Happy new year, to you
I think it is a super tree.Ninety-nine lights?? Goodness that's the most difficult job! I have only twenty lights and I can't untangle them properly. Thanks for your visit and the compliment about the wind mills. I am glad I met you!
Well Molly -- it's beautiful and I'm glad you got it up before Santa arrived! If only our tree looked so pretty and peaceful. Instead of one cat on the floor under the tree there are two and they lie amid all the ornaments they've knocked off the tree. I think I'll wait a few more days and take a picture -- by then all the needles will be down there too!
I believe
truly beautiful tree.
I too enjoy the peace after. There are only the two of us but the light go on every night.
Happy New Year in case I don't get back in time. lol.
You picked a lovely tree, I'm sure it's worth every penny.
I knew you could do it Molly! I had faith in you. :) And it's probably the most gorgeous tree I've seen this year - even better than mine. Sometimes I lie. :) blessings, marlene
Well done! My "plastic" tree remained in its box this year.
Hope your mother-in-law feels stronger soon.The tree is beautiful, and so is your dear cat. Best wishes for the holiday season and New Year Molly.
I didn't doubt it for a minute! Well done all it looks bright and lovely.
Hope M-I-L is okay.
Happy 2009!
What a lovely account of Christmases past and present. I loved reading them and sharing your experiences. I had to travel interstate to get within cooee of a tree and to be with family, worth every bend of the road. Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas Molly, The first Christmas that I remember, we bought and erected on Christmas Eve. My Dad and I went to a local seed and feed store that sold trees on the 24th and picked out a tree. I think that I was three. Having no car, we carted the tree in a children's wagon to our home about three blocks away. Perhaps, we were buying the tree at this last hour because trees were cheaper at that time. My parents did always keep the tree up until January 6th too. Oh the memories...Happy New Year, Now, I am off to visit Rise to see if she has posted lately.
That tree is absolutely beautiful, I love trees in the evening when the lights are turned down or off, it is a peaceful feeling, just like the song "the tree all aglow". Casper looks like a fierce guard, I love cats. I am wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.
Cute Casper! Sam is garding our tree! LOL Wishing u and urs all the best 4 the New Year! Was there singing in a "closed" pub on xmas day like in Ireland?
And Happy New Year, Molly and family. Hope it's peaceful and very quilty.
Good skills. You're an angel. (Though admittedly that spot is already taken on the tree.)
The tree looks wonderful, Molly! And the photo of the cat is so great! :) We had to put our tree out early, the 26th, due to our trip to another state to see my family. Sad to see it go, although putting up my snowmen collection helps. :) Hope you had a great new year's eve!!
Casper is soooo cute! I hope you have a most wonderful 2009 Molly. I wish all the very best things and best moments for you in the new year. I am being extremely lazy - today is my first day back in blogland. Three more days off work and I plan on doing NOTHING.
Hi! I came, I read, I even posted a post of my own -- Happy New Year. I have fond memories of last minute tree-getting, course now I put ours up at the earliest opportunity and it often stays til 1/6 anyway. Love you.
Happy new year!
Bless you for taking care of your mother-in-law. I'm sure you are giving her great comfort.
A beautiful tree. Wishing you a DIVINE 2009!
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