Went to bed happy. "To sleep, perchance to dream." And dream I did! That the Mag, headmistress from my schooldays,[more respectfully known as Sr. Margaret], was looking over my shoulder at what I'd written, shaking her head sorrowfully, and saying to me in her quiet, whispery voice "Not the most suitable subject for Good Friday, eh, Molly dear?" It was a talent she had. An ability to induce shame and guilt in the most innocent child....
"Oh crap! She's right!"
Suddenly I was wide awake and fumbling for my glasses. Stumbling to the computer to clip my birdie's wings. A sigh of relief--- no comments yet---one never knows what hour of the day or night our friends down under are up and stirring....no-one need ever know what a Philistine I was...Opened the window and in she flew. I grabbed her out of the air and stuffed her back in the draft box so fast, and in such a flurry of feathers, she never knew what hit her. I'll keep her there 'til next week when she'll get anoither chance to fly.
Meanwhile, the house is full of the aroma of apple cake for The Bean's [youngest son's] birthday tomorrow. Landmark occasion, he's turning twenty. No more teenagers. Happy Birthday to my "baby", all six foot four of him, and Happy Easter everyone!
I look forward to reading your 'bird'!
Lovely 'baby' you have there. Happy Birthday to him. I get the feeling you are not tall? How did you get such a tall son? Is the OC a tall man?
Is that moss on those trees in the background?
It's eerily quiet out here Meg! Everyone must be off having a life....Actually, I used to feel very tall at five foot nine, but my children kept growing, so now I feel quite petite! The OC is about the same height as me.I say. He says an inch or so taller.... Don't you love those old Florida trees? That's what I call them. No idea what they really are, some kind of oak maybe....but I love their elegance and grandeur. I think of them as old aristocrats, fallen on hard times,wrapped in their dignity and the shreds of their once-elegant clothing[Spanish moss, I think] ...
Looking for to reading the bird also ..... I got tagged for the RWMeme and have to admit to a few headaches, crossing outs and false starts before I finally blogged something.
Those trees sure are atmospheric. Happy birthday to The Bean, and happy Easter to you!
I'll be waiting for the bird to be released. I'm dying to know what it was the Mag found inappropriate for GF. Hard to believe the YS is 20. T was very excited to hear it was his bday yesterday.
Congratulation on having no teenagers. Isn't it funny how we segment our lives like that. My youngest started high school this year, so I only have teenagers. He is beginning to look tall. He still thinks that he can lean on me and, at times, he nearly knocks me over!
What a lovely boy and what a poetic pose... Happy birtday to him.
I shall be tall in my next life. And thin.
You've got us all anticipatory with that trailer for your unsuitable post!
That would be "birthday". Ah, see these people who can't spell???
Wow - I'm trying to imagine the day when my son is 20 and quite possibly 6'4". What a lovely picture.
Happy birthday to your lovely boy. In a couple of months he will be half my age. (trying to be brave about the inevitable...)
Fancy your Mag still keeping an eye out for you.
That's a great picture of your son. I love the trees...
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