This is giving me bloggers block!
Its not that I don't have ideas, I do. But maybe that's too raw; or this is too emotional; or that's way more of me than I'm willing to put out there; or, or, or!
"So, do it already," my brain has been impatiently nagging. Finally, I came to the conclusion that all the things I've considered would be covered by this:
Real women......are not afraid to let their imperfections show.
I tag Tanya Brown, Riseoutofme and Meggie.
No prizes for guessing which one is me in the picture above.....
I think this is becoming more true for me with age and wisdom, well I say wisdom...
Because as a young adult I think I was desperately afraid to let my imperfections show. And there are still some people in my life (ones that I feel threatened by) that I would rather never reveal to.
Are we getting a photo with this one?
What IS this tag business???? My memory of tag is a playground game .... aaaah ...the penny is dropping slowly ...duh! Don't know if the grey matter is up to such ponderings....
I like this one. Real women ALSO make the best of those imperfections!
Yes, Molly, where's our picture???? I have a few I could share :-)
Well, I pretty much let some of me hang out in my last ugly post!
Yes! picture!
And I will have a think about this.
What a marvelous smile you have!
Hmmm. Real women. I must go think on this ...
Ah you're even nicer looking than my mental picture of you! Thanks for that!
Oh dear. Not our picture literally, Molly. Nothing like the wind-blown look.
You look good, Liz. The wind-blown look suits you.
I have a theory that many of us see imperfections in ourselves (particularly appearance-related ones) that aren't visible to the rest of the world.
Wow, two very lovely and very real and your daughter take a very nice picture, windblown look and all. It is good to see your face and to put a picture in my mind with all your wonderful stories.
Yes, I agree with MJD, you look wonderful in your picture. And so does Liz!
It is very interesting to ponder the Real Woman thing...
I've been waiting since I first dropped in for you to return to the beach. I kinda imagined your free spirit being a bit of a beach bum! So I find the photo very fitting.
Nice to see your face Molly!
That's a lovely photo.
Real women... took me ages to do so I empathise.
Thanks for your lovely words on my blog!
Oh Molly, you look exactly as I expected (and so does Liz, but I sort of knew what she looked like). How unusual this is; normally people look nothing like one's mental picture.
Wonderfully slim (unlike me). Lovely smile. Very natural.
From these comments it is apparent that real women are also nagged until they show their imperfections to the world!
I think I can relate to that too.
Yeah, Tracey! Talk about illustrating one's point....white hair, wrinkles, crooked teeth and all. Thank you all for your gentle comments! It is good to be kind to the elderly....
Oh how fabulous to SEE you!!!
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