.......Interim quilt for little grandson........
........Appliqued cat and flowers in the bushes.....
....Mystery quilt. Started in Belgium; quilted in Minnesota; mysteriously neglected for several years; finally bound and finished in Florida.
....Scrappy star quilt. Bonus Beantoes at no extra charge....
HRH the queen invites all her loyal subjects to a rare event--a display of Finished Projects. Lest ye look upon her, based on her last post, as a lazy, good-for-nothing layabout who never finishes anything. An FP being one of the rarest sightings in the realm, she trusts that you will be suitably awestruck. After you have viewed the display, and oohed and aahed appropriately, you may come to the throne room to kiss the royal hand.
In related news, a carrier pigeon has just arrived from Tir na nOg to inform that the Lady Rise [Of Riseoutofme fame] will soon be arriving for an extended visit. And she will be bringing her whip. Sewing machines will buzz,scissors will snip, needles will fly. Watch for many more projects to reach completion. Oh dear....I think I feel a fainting spell coming on.....
Postscript to loyal subjects: Don't look for too many pictures in future posts here. As pretty as they are, the stress of uploadage [my own word--like it?] is too much. I have aged a decade since I started this post and wept hot tears of rage and frustration. Each picture took f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to get on here, and I could not get the pictures where I wanted them[obviously not at the beginning of the post].Also, I do have more than four FPs but uploadage being so molasses-like, I didn't think I'd live long enough to upload more than that. Oh well... I have once again worked my magic [or would that be 'evil spell'?]on our computer. The ladies at the library are thinking of providing me with my own bed over there. The computer master [OC] is off in northern climes. And would prefer anyway that the wench, I mean queen, was on her knees scrubbing the royal water closets and floors than writing nonsense for the edification of imaginary loyal subjects. And so,henceforth, it's back to the stress-free written word. I'm going to go lie down now.....happy viewing---IF I can get the bloody thing to publish.
Not to be picky, but you do say finished projects -- are you counting the YB who holds the finished quilt as another finished project???
He is a WIP, Miss Picky...
Ah Miss Molly, or should I say "Your Highness"? ... panic is setting in I see??
No need to worry, I shall be VERY gentle for the first 24 hours ....
But after that, Madam, your ass is grass and I'm the lawnmower ...
Oh. I see. I jumped in too early. Quite a nice array of FPs. Tell rise to take it easy -- I want a few days lounging on the beach.
I loved your quilts!! Well Done!
And I love the post around them.
And I love the combox chat amongst the family.
I will bet some serious fun will be had by all concerned. Enjoy yourselves.
PS. I just love that moggy! Seeing I am not allowed a real one, I will have to get me one of those!
Well done, with both the posting of the quilt photo's and the quilts themselves. I've got the pattern for that moggie.. on my list of 'maybe one day' projects.. sigh..
Loved the Scrappy stars quilt...am working on a group project at present, helping a group of 15 or so new quilters learn different techniques while making quilts to be donated to local volunteer fire brigades... so no time, to work on my own WIPs...
Meggie, MFF---pray tell----what on earth is a "moggy"?Surely that's not what you call a cat?
Surely you've heard of "mog" or "moggy" for a pusscat?
Anyway, Your Maj, those quilts are great and if that's the standard of FP round your way then I hope Riseoutofme does put you to work. Don't spare that rod, Rise...
yes Molly... they do call the cat moggies.
Love your quilts ...are you trying to put me to shame with all these finished masterpieces :)
if it helps, I found that when downloading the photos.. use small size and put it either on the left or right side. aubirdwoman
I can't personally understand spending so much time on something like a quilt but I have to say they are all great looking quilts.
Like especially the Mystery Quilt of Belgian origin.
Molly please tell Lone Grey Squirrel that Quilts are the most necessary necessity of life itself....well to a Quilter anyway :) aubirdwoman
SMC---you have to make allowances for LGS---he is of the male persuasion and therefore scourged with the kind of logical thinking that wonders why we [rabid quilters] would spend so much money on expensive fabric, only to bring it home, cut it up into a million pieces and then spend hours, days, nay months, sewing them back together. To be male is to lack, from birth, the mental tools required to understand and appreciate such higher level creative activity.
Molly, thanks for defending me .......I think? :)
Such wonderful quilts. You have a marvelous color and design sense. If Moggy ever needs a home, I'm sure there'll be many people glad to take him in.
Having your sister visit sounds like quite an event! I'd love to be a fly on the wall; I can almost hear the giggles from here.
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