Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sayonara Rummy-san....

Goodbye Rummy!
Slawn Lath...
Au'voir... ...
Adios muchacho...
Ta Ta...
Bye bye...
Later gator...

And don't let the door hit you in the you-know-what.

Woke up this morning with this in my head. Wondered briefly if it would be unwise. Remember hearing advice to tourists in Ireland---" Just don't talk about Politics, Religion or Sex." And how much that made us laugh. In Ireland, that's all they talk about in the pubs; that and, yawn, sports. Yes, it makes things noisy, and animated, and passionate and sometimes even violent. If it's quiet you're after, visit the churches.

"May you be in heaven half an hour before the divil knows you're dead." But, Rummy, I hope you have connections.......


Becky in FL said...

I think that was a very nice send-off!

Anonymous said...

... In which Molly gets political. Oh my. Good riddance, Rummy.

Anonymous said...



It sounds so familiar. Like you once had an illicit afair with him or something.

Molly said...

I am so dense. You mean that Rummy...Hasta la vista...BABY

Angie said...

ROFL so glad you stopped by my humble abode...come over for a visit anytime...the coffee (or tea) is always on. :D